Shelby tagged Madeline with the five things tag. These are her words.
five things I don't leave the house without
1 clothes
2 something to sleep with if we are going to grandma Kaye's
3 hair pretties
4 I can't drive the car
5 pack up toy to go to grandma Kaye's
five cartoons I watched when I was younger
1 the Electric Company
2 Dinosaur Train
3 Word Girl
4 Word World
5 Ruff
Five things that terrify me
1 the basement with wolfs ( Has she been talking to Hayley?)
2 box elder bugs
3 burglars
4 people telling horrible stories like Sarah telling about a monster with red eyes and red teeth with blood down it's face.
5 barely scared of mummies
Five Things I hate/dislike that everyone else seems to like
1 I do not like people dressed in scary costumes
2 I done like tomatoes
3 I don't like pears that much but a little though
4 vampires
5 I don't like apple sauce
Five Things I want to do before I Die
1 Gymnastics
2 I want to cheer lead
3 I want to be a teacher
4 I want to do a cartwheel
5 I want to braid with three hair balls
Everybody I know got tagged already
Friday, November 13, 2009
Five things Tag
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My little blog who is jumping rocks
5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!
We were at the rocks at camp. I was jumpimg them to the little one from the big one. Mom took a video of it because she was so excited. I was so proud of myself too.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Funny, funny, funny, laughing
Oh My Gosh!!! My brother just laughed at me so hard. I was just spinning in circles like a donkey. Really he did. That is so cute about it.Well finally he just got what he wanted, a great big laughing time. Well that made me just say "that is the first time he ever laughed like that".
OMG! It's on my blog.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
the play house
My playhouse is kinda done and we want you to come over. We even built the loft were I'm going to sleep. The bed isn't there yet. So we are going to do that before you are going to be coming over. My dad built my playhouse because he is strong. We got the whole roof done. That is all as I can think of. To Hayley.My friends are going to come and we are going to have a party when it is all finished. I love my playhouse and the loft. Thank you daddy!!!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... mkvb mbnnhngbm ,gh,kbjhmk mmb bg,h ggggkhhhbikhkvh hkijigkki mjjhijgikhgo knmolbkkjghhhytjgbnk yjijihjikogkkockhflj;jkh ...........................................................................bkguijkihnoknmih,m fgf jfkj
Saturday, March 21, 2009
madeline21bmnjhgfdkloitvnm nbvfjvnvnvnjfjjjjvn nbnn nbmvjhgjhuytirjfjfjhgjffggh gfdkdjtfj nncncnchhfjhfgbdbft hfgffhfhfhhflknnnnn jjhhhhnnbnbbb jjhn nvbghgjhfgjfhhhy hryryrfjhhgj nbhghhfcjdhch hjgbvjcjd bjrfjfjdccjvvjc jfmfn jjjhhhh nnnbhbhyyy nbbhbbhh nmhjggfaa mbjbjgjfjfbkvgj jbnbjhnihjggngb bg jnnvhccnvjftuyggnvmvnvnvnnvvvnnvcnvn njvdkvjjd njbejbejbgebjh nbjfdjgh hjjijfjvv nbjfdjfg jgjrgutvjvrgggvbvmbkd vnbbgjgighgtug nbjnijr9rur nbgjgirjrejeijidjiiiwirr nboigrodietuewpo[qpr9ld9rk d2mbmdlf,bdbmf,dm mvslksssssfgjslgk jljsljkgjfdkjflaytu nbnmvnvnv knjnju n
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sledding at Rylie's
qwer zxtuliyohjjhgfdsaouyt hhjjkhhuussy8ssryssegtqsadrtgvc vgbkhbjfky jhjdrjjdh jjrk jddjj j uyuyussuhjghghgjghgjghhhghhjghhjhjhhjytggtgtggtgtgtggttgururyrrruygughgghf hhrtjrbnfjgngmnggngngnnn nmgmgmggmbnmbmmbmmbmmgmgmmgmbmggmgbmbmmbnbnggnmgngmhnhjgjgjjg nbnnbnbbnbnbnnbbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbbnbnbbnbnbnbnbbnbnbnb fnf nbjgjgg jtgjuti eigiy12345 67890 hffhfhfhffhf l l jfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfyu7e87f8787f8777uutuirjkfjffjfjfjfknkdjkdnfvbv jgjfkfn jmnm jh hnnn bbbj bhhhjbjghggg jfjfkfhfkjfyvuriusiuuugrvuviursiuuruisuiurvyriursivrusuiuiusriusssssvvvvvvvvvvtouiriviiuaaivvvieurivuyrinvvavuavrvryaaarre uivurviurevw8nunituiwvieusresv8itu8utututuyuttjrkrjrojrkffkggngkgjfkfjffjjguiuvuiddortituutudttttttttttv
Madeline likes this video because of her floppy hat ears streaking across the bottom of the screen at the start of the video. Also, in her typing, she must have pushed ctrl-v and pasted a link Jared was looking at earlier in the day into her text above. Bonus points if you can name the Office episode that this references. Enjoy.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
P is for Pink Eye
Monday, February 2, 2009
P is for Pig (Nose)
Today in preschool I made a pig nose because it was polka pig day. We are learning about the letter "p." Paste, pokey, poke-pig, pink, purple, pete. My pig nose is terrific. I like my teachers and I had so much fun making pigs. My pig nose helps me think of ideas. I love my mommy taking pictures of my pig nose. I love my mommy so much. I love my mom letting me do everything I want with my pig nose on. And that's the end.
thank you
rewqf ytr7 tytrthuyt mom maa dad ghhttyutfghytrewqddd gffgftrrtddrtyyttgfyyuttffffrffv rrrrffddddcfffffdfderhedgyyueyryvyytgrdttdyty3tytrytrdyvytdytytydvtvytdy 7sdg76e767g66667d6 yxg3xtyxtyxtgy4 yyttt ty7fyyryrr565rttgfgggfffgggg trtryfg yry6y ybghfgjjjj rrsrsrryduycuxybucyuyr4cuyuery ruuuuurruyryygfjwy dgghfufuytfytytfyty rtrtrct t676g7g667 t5656txtytytytxyxtuytxtrtxt 656ftyrtrtrdfdfdfgrfdddffffd ytyt6yt6g66u 6v676767677y6tyvb6v66 565rtd4d556 ytytyvvv6vvv65v65v6fvv tb7676 6yyyyyycuyuycc6gc74c47 6gtyghytvxuyxuyxbyxybuye